November 29, 2023

Non Healing Wound Treatment Options in Lahore, Pakistan

Non-healing wounds pose a significant challenge for some, despite the body’s natural ability to heal. These wounds are prevalent and significantly affect the well-being and daily life of many individuals. Contend with chronic wounds, indicating the widespread nature of this issue. Inadequately addressed, these slow-healing wounds lead to severe consequences such as intense pain. Reduced function and movement, and extended hospital stays, highlighting the urgency for proper treatment.

Non Healing Wound Treatment Options in Lahore, Pakistan

Chronic Non-Healing Wound:

A chronic non-healing wound, often termed as a persistent wound, persists for weeks or even months despite following prescribed treatment protocols. Typically, there’s an underlying physiological issue hindering or delaying the healing process. These wounds have a propensity to escalate and are prone to infections. If left untreated, they can lead to severe complications, potentially necessitating amputation.

Hence, understanding the characteristics of non-healing wounds, identifying high-risk individuals, and adopting appropriate treatment methods are crucial for effective management.

There are four primary categories of chronic injuries among non-healing wounds:

1.Pressure ulcers:

Pressure ulcers impact both the skin and underlying tissue, usually stemming from prolonged pressure on the skin when someone remains in bed or seated for an extended period. Gradually developing, these ulcers can manifest on any body part and tend to worsen without proper attention. If there’s a suspicion of a pressure ulcer in yourself or someone under your care, seeking immediate guidance from a healthcare professional or wound care specialist is crucial.

2.Diabetic ulcers:

 Diabetes increases the susceptibility to wounds and ulcers, commonly observed as open sores on the legs or feet. Studies indicate that approximately 15% of individuals with diabetes will encounter diabetic foot ulcers during their lifetime. The impact of diabetes on the healing process poses serious risks, potentially resulting in severe infections or, in rare cases, gangrene. Hospitalization due to infections or related complications occurs in about 6% of individuals with diabetic foot ulcers. Thankfully, wound care specialists can treat diabetic ulcers effectively, and in numerous instances, they can be entirely prevented.

3.Venous ulcers:

Venous ulcers commonly emerge around the ankles and result from impaired blood circulation in the leg veins due to damage-related issues. The valves in our legs regulate blood pressure within the veins. However, when there’s a hindrance in the blood flow as you walk, it triggers the formation of ulcers around the ankles. Varicose veins or chronic venous insufficiency are among other conditions linked to venous ulcers. Similar to other non-healing wounds, proper care is essential to prevent infections and facilitate recovery. Adopting healthy habits that promote blood flow and making lifestyle adjustments can sometimes serve as preventive measures against the underlying vein issues.

4.Arterial ulcers: 

Arterial ulcers, also known as ischemic ulcers, often stem from arterial damage, which serves as the pathway for delivering nutrients and oxygen to body tissues. Blockages in these arteries impede the flow of essential nutrients to the extremities, leading to persistent open wounds that may expand and become infected. Treating arterial ulcers typically revolves around reinstating proper blood circulation to the affected area.

Non-healing surgical wounds represent another type of injury that may arise post-surgery when an incision fails to heal as anticipated. Although uncommon, infections can contribute to this issue.

Non-Healing Wounds Causes:

The root causes behind non-healing wounds seldom stem from a singular source; rather, they result from a blend of contributing factors. Several elements can contribute to these wounds:


When a wound becomes infected, the body’s focus shifts to battling harmful bacteria instead of healing, often prolonging the recovery process due to bacterial toxins and cell destruction.

2.Circulation Challenges:

Conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure can impair circulation, hindering the delivery of essential nutrients and oxygen to the wound site, thereby complicating bacterial removal.


Older adults experience slower wound healing due to increased vulnerability to injury and commonly associated conditions that impede circulation.

4.Repetitive Injury:

Wounds subject to recurrent trauma encounter delays in the healing process.


 Some medications disrupt the body’s inflammatory response, which subsequently slows down the healing process.

Certain individuals face a higher risk of chronic wounds, including:

Those with long-term medical conditions like diabetes or cancer.

Individuals with weakened immune systems or cardiovascular ailments.

People with unhealthy lifestyle habits such as poor diet, lack of exercise, or smoking.

Those who spend prolonged periods confined to a bed or wheelchair.

Individuals with a history of ulcers and chronic wounds are also more susceptible to non-healing wounds.

The Symptoms Of Non-Healing Wounds:

Recognizing the symptoms of non-healing wounds is crucial. If you notice any of the following signs, it’s important to promptly seek advice from a wound care specialist:

Heightened inflammation or redness surrounding the wound.

Escalating or persistent pain that doesn’t show signs of improvement.

Wounds exhibiting leakage, excessive moisture, or emitting an unpleasant odor.

Darkening or bluish discoloration appearing around the wound’s edges.

Treating non-healing wounds:

The approach to treating non-healing wounds involves collaboration with a wound care specialist who tailors the treatment based on the severity and type of injury. Initially, gathering information about the patient and their wound history is crucial in determining the most suitable course of action. Often, addressing the underlying causes of the wound precedes the actual healing process.

Outlined below are several treatment methods commonly employed by wound care specialists:

Debridement, a process to remove damaged tissue and prevent infection.

Providing nutritional support and recommending lifestyle adjustments to facilitate healing.

Utilizing compression therapy to alleviate venous pressure, reduce swelling, and enhance blood circulation.

Performing biopsies to ascertain the root cause of the non-healing wound.

Employing cryotherapy to expedite the body’s natural healing mechanisms and diminish inflammation.

Administering antibiotics and topical medications specifically designed for wound care.

Implementing adjunctive therapies like oxygen therapy and pressure therapy to complement the healing process.

Proper Non-Healing Wound Dressing:

Proper wound dressing plays a critical role in priming the area for healing and managing moisture levels. Various dressing types possess distinct properties that can influence the pace of wound recovery. However, there’s no universal dressing suitable for every wound. Your wound care specialist will assess your specific situation, considering the wound’s characteristics and healing stage, to identify the most fitting dressing for optimal healing.

Care For Chronic Wounds And Injuries:

In Fresno, our dedicated wound care center is committed to delivering top-tier medical attention to our patients. Our specialized team, comprising wound care physicians and skilled medical staff, is adept in addressing an extensive array of wounds, including pressure ulcers, diabetic ulcers, vascular ulcers, and various skin issues.

We take pride in offering comprehensive wound care, incorporating cutting-edge therapies like debridement, biopsies, cryotherapy, tissue destruction, skin substitutes, compression devices, and more. Schedule an appointment at Wound Coast Wound and Skin Care today to embark on your healing journey and regain your quality of life.

For those unable to visit our center, our specialized staff can provide care at your location, ensuring accessibility and convenience no matter where you reside.

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